Does Social Media Dictate how we Date?

Derrick A Watson
4 min readFeb 17, 2021

With all the crazy things we see on social media nowadays, the thing that you can always expect to stay consistent is people posting about their relationships. I feel like people on social media treat new relationships like brand new cars. As soon as they get it they want to show it off to the whole world. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with that either. If your in a relationship with someone who loves and cares about you then you shouldn’t be ashamed to show them off to anyone. But I can’t lie some people be letting social media make them do the most. If you were to get on any social media platform you couldn’t scroll for five minutes without seeing a meme talking about “relationship goals”. I’ll admit some of them are cool when you see memes with a couple on vacation or what not, but then I would see ones that sound so ridiculous that it even makes me question if I ever want to get back in one. So the question I want to propose: Has social media affected how we choose to date in relationships?

Now some of you are thinking “come on social media doesn’t have that much power over our dating lives”. Oh you don’t believe me? I dare anyone to go on any social media platform for a few hours and see how fast you’ll change your mind. I know we all got our own personal preferences in a partner but social media has made people multiply there preferences by three. I’ll give an example. Back then a girl could say to her friends, “Oh I just want a attractive nice guy with a stable job who loves me for me”. Sounds normal enough for a girl to say right? Nowadays if a girl has social media her answer is “My perfect guy has to be good looking, over six foot, makes six figures at least, drives a nice car, has his own place, family orientated, can do a back flip while eating a bowl of cereal, has Obama on speed dial, and is a nice guy but also be tough when he as too”. Like what? You expect a man to be all of those things? You might as well say you’re looking for Jesus. A lot of girls let these memes on social media convince them that a man has to be perfect in order for them to be seen as “boyfriend material”. The problem with that is 1.) Ain’t nobody perfect so your wasting your time to trying to chase perfection and 2.) you want a man to meet standards you don’t even meet. Look I know everyone has standards but you can’t judge someone for not having stuff that you don’t even have. “Girl he don’t have a nice car, a house, and doesn’t make six figures”. Sweetheart, you on the bus, live at home, and work at Chipotle. Humble yourself. You can’t expect someone to be a brand new Lamborghini when you only a 2001 Honda Accord. Think about it.

Also another thing I hate seeing is how people let social media convince to tolerate toxic behavior in relationships. I would see posts from dudes saying stuff like, “If we together, there ain’t no breaking up with me. You mines forever”. Or would see a girl post something like, “I’m the crazy type of girlfriend in a relationship but I’m worth it”. Out of all things to post that's what you choose to post? There ain’t nothing cute about being crazy or possessive in a relationship. But then you have those people like those types of post saying “Yeeeeesss Queen” or “Yeah that's right bro”. Huh? Why are people glorifying that like its cute to be problematic? There ain’t nothing cute about a girl being mentally unstable. You think its cute until you break up with them and now they’re stalking you and trying to ruin your life. But stuff like this is now posted constantly on social media where people think its “normal” to show this kind of behavior in a relationship and dress it up as “love”. I’m sorry if that’s what people think love is then you can keep it.

Look at the end of the day like everything in life we all have the ability to make our own choices. Technically we don’t have to let social media influence how we choose to date if we don’t put that much time and thought into it. After all social media ain’t nothing more than an app on your phone that you can easily delete. I’m just saying before you decide to go out there and date other people, try to ask date people for the right reasons instead of being influenced by a few relationship memes you seen on an app. Its just something to think about. Peace.

